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Textiles Recycling: Separating Fact from Fiction at the BIR Textiles Division Event 


The narrative around end-of-life/end-of-use textiles is increasingly getting tangled. Media headlines often paint a one-sided picture, leaving the public struggling to understand the "real" story of used clothing, its place in the circular economy and the important role of the recycling industry in bringing it back to life.

The BIR Textiles Division is here to cut through the noise. Join us for an interactive event on 17 September 2024, featuring:

  • Leading industry experts: Gain insights from those on the ground, maximizing textile product use and driving circularity.
  • Candid discussions: Go beyond the headlines and hear firsthand about the realities and solutions for end-of-life textiles.
  • A global perspective: This isn't just a European issue. We'll explore the international landscape of textile recycling and trade.
  • Interactive participation: Share your voice and collaborate with key stakeholders to drive positive change.

Who should attend? All global clothing and textiles supply chain stakeholders including designers, producers and retailers, as well as policy makers,  lobbyists, circular economy experts, academics, researchers, and of course re-use/recycling experts.

Don't miss this chance to separate fact from fiction and take an active role in building a sustainable future for fashion.


September 17, 2024

Steigenberger Wiltcher's, Avenue Louise, Brussels, Belgique

Avenue Louise 71
1050 Bruxelles Bruxelles

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